October 22, 2024

Movical.net reviews : is movical trusted ?

Movical.net reviews : is movical trusted ? The mobile phone unlock and imei repair/change service movical.net produces hundreds of complaints by people claiming that the movical scammed them.

is Movical.net trusted ?

As movical.net lists almost any mobile phone including latest ones like iphone 12, Samsung Galaxy S20,Samsung Galaxy Note 20, Huawei P40, as well as Oppo’s latest smartphones, complaints and negative reviews suggest that almost all requests for services like unlock, imei change, imei repair have have remained unsatisfied despite service fees paid in advance.

Movical.net suspiciously offers imei change, imei repair services for smartphone that don’t allow for such operations at all. iPhone 11,iPhone 12, Samsung Galaxy S20, Samsung Galaxy Note 20, Huawei P40,Oppo’s almost all models dont allow for imei change/repair procedures. However movical.net still lists such services.

Movical.net Negative Reviews

There are hundreds of negative reviews about Movical.net on review,complaints platforms like trustpilot and similar ones. Customers mostly claim the promised services have not been finalized. Although movical.net promises money refund for failed procedures, most customers think movical.net is scammer.

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