January 24, 2025

Who is Haq Khatteb Hussain ?

haq Khatteb Hussain

Here in this posts, we will mention important details about the religious fraud/scammer Sahibzada Haq Khatteb Hussain Ali Badshah. Although he does not have a Wikipedia page, this post aims to serve as a wiki page for those who search information about Haq Khattep Hussain.

Who is Haq Khatteb Hussain ?

The 44 year old Pakistani scammer is known for his fictional social media videos in which he is seen healing people, most likely paid complicits.

Enjoying a successful “religion exploitation business” as the leader of the Fraud Gang, Haq Khettab Hussain, apparently prioritizes social media promotions as his team keep publishing misleading videos on a regular basis. He knows very well how to utilize a bigot community.

Does He Really Heal ?

Of course not ! Even though his team make so much effort to convince people about that he has been a awarded by God a kind of “super power”, He is not even as effective as a standard pain pill. His nonsense treatment method that involves ridiculous actions such as touching some points on bodies of alleged patients, has no real functionality in healing people.

ilhan baran

Investigative journalist and freelance editor https://x.com/ilhanbaran_

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