How will Catizen players be rewarded in airdrop campaign ? The allocated 35% of airdrop tokens cause some questions regarding the distribution logic.
There are two possible logics:
1- Airdrop rewards will be distributed based on the total Vkitty tokens appearing in users balances
In this scenario, users must receive a share proportional to their total Vkitty balances. Total Vkitty amount held by all users will determine the percentage of each users share. Let’s assume, all users hold 1 quadrillion Vkitty tokens and one specific user holds 1 billion Vkitty tokens. In this case, the user must receive its share based on the 1B/1Q formula which makes 0.001. The users potential reward can be calculated with this formula : 0.001 x airdrop pool size (350 million tokens) = 350,000 tokens.
2- Airdrop rewards will be distributed based on the total earned Vkitty tokens
In this scenario airdrop share for each user is determined by total earned Vkitty tokens. Let’s assume, 1 quadrillion Vkitty tokens earned by all users together while one specific user earned 1 billion vKitty tokens. In this case, the airdrop share to be distributed to this user will be calculated with this formula : 1B/1Q=0.001 x total airdrop pool size (350 million tokens)= 350,000 tokens.